Full of Owen-y goodness since December 2005... NOW WITH extra Lily goodness (since October 2007)
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Our neighbor, Jessie, came over and held Owen for a little while - this shot just cracks me up!
Very sleepy weekend - basically we sat around and played with our toes...
Now that he's big enough, we put him into a major hand-me-down toy from Elena (well, Rob and Wendi!) It's a stand-up piano that makes noise - he loves it!
He's still addicted to eating fabric, however...
However, she did share her water!
We got into San Fran to visit with Linda again. When we went out for dinner, Owen wanted to try mom's cider!
Can you have too many toys in the carseat with you?
Monday, May 29, 2006
We went for Thai food with Grandma as well. Here we are both having a laugh...
As you can tell, he LOVES it in there!
While I'm almost sure this is illegal in some states, this picture just cracks me up. Yes, that's our (clean) laundry basket....
Thursday, May 25, 2006
He's so pre-occupied eating his towel he doesn't notice Dad sneaking up on him with the camera!
We've hired a replacement for our current nanny. Her name is Courtney, and she used to be Owen's cousin's nanny! She's a college student, and also a part-time bartender at one of our favorite sushi restaurants! She'll be available through August - so that buys us some breathing room. We'll probably have to go through this again later this year, but for now we've got someone we're VERY comfortable with and with obvious experience! Just look at how great Elena turned out!
Nanny update. Since Kaf won't quit her job and move to a new continent to watch him, we've setup 5 interviews over yesterday, today and tomorrow. So far, one has been a no-show, one called to say she's taken two other jobs that are closer to her and one has rescheduled. Needless to say, a tad frustrating! More on that front later...
Extreme Close Up!
Hanging out with Dad in the office - not used to Mom taking the pictures!
Sitting up in Dad's chair - again, these jeans are awesome!
Owen in his crib - he's found his toes now! Gotta love the Sesame Street bumber in the background. Is it just me or are babies cuter in jeans?
Our nanny gave us her two week's notice today. Crap. Now we have to repost the notice and go through the interviews again. CRAPCRAPCRAPPITYCRAPCRAP!
You'd think you'd spend more than one week and one day at a job before taking a permanent spot somewhere else, wouldn't you? The more I think about this, the more it's going to bother me.
So here's a week's worth of Owen-y goodness all at once! Sorry, things just got a little hectic around here and I didn't find time to post anything. Hope you're all doing well and are having fun!
Although I think he'll do pretty well in it. He seemed to have fun, anyway!
Today we tried him in the high chair! He looks so tiny in it!
Of course, we're just having some fun. This picture made me giggle...
Owen was so excited about it, he forgot how to chew his hand...
We were working out in the yard this weekend, so Don and Liz brought Sydney over to play. If you'll note where Owen's hand is, I like to think of this as him grabbing his first piece of ....ah, never mind....