Wednesday, August 30, 2006


I'm sick today. I never get sick. People all around me get sick and I am normally just fine. It started yesterday - I thought I drunk too much water and as a result my throat got sore. Silly, but I rationalized it. Went to bed around 11pm - even though I was up at 5am - but had to take Nyquil (or however you spell it) to get to sleep. Was coughing and trying to swallow - neither of which was working too well. Ruh-roh.
When the alarm went off at 6, I knew I was sick. Chilly, sore throat, a bit congested. I skipped my morning walk, took a shower and made breakfast. I commented to Lisa that I was cold as I walked through the house - you'd have thought I'd told her I was vomiting space aliens. I'm NEVER cold. It's the advantage to being fat. You're always warmer than regular sized people. However, today I was freaking cold. I almost put on a sweater and long pants!
She tried to get me to call in sick - but when you work from home, it's tough to NOT go into the office. It's not like I'm going to be making MORE people sick. However, in the almost 10 years I've been at my job, I've had a total of ONE sick day. It was a 24 hour flu that comprised of vomiting or pooping out EVERYTHING in my system, and after that I was fine. This is just a cold - I can sit in my office, drink tea and be grumpy about being sick just fine.
Well, I might blog and whine about it, but other than that, it'll just be like a normal day. What do YOU hate about being sick? Let's see who reads this before I feel better...


Anonymous said...

Poor Higgy.

*loves Higgy some orange juice and chicken noodle soup*

There seems to be a lot of it going around right now. (Isn't this a strange time of year for it?)

Rest lots, drink lots, and take a day off if you need to. You'll feel better soon.

And the flu is WAY better than a stomach bug.

Mel said...

I feel your pain ):

Anonymous said...

welcome to now have the potential of catching anything that Owen has been exposed to (our house has a cold going through the ranks as well, so we feel for you).....

Anonymous said...

i hate the sore throats most 'cause i talk for a living, having a nose cranking out gallons of Campbell's Cream O' Phlegm is almost as bad, but i'm not the one who has to look at it!

DonnaJo said...

drank too much water?