Thursday, March 02, 2006

Gleefully stolen from Melodie...

Are my World Map and State Maps. You can generate your own here!

Conclusions :
1. Hey, there IS a Mid-West... One of these days I'll really have to see it.
2. It really is a big world out there - most of my visits were when I was a child.
3. I'd love to go back to some of these places and see how it's changed. Especially KL.


DonnaJo said...

Greetings from the midwestern United States. Actually, St. Louis is on the eastern edge of the midwest.

Sarah said...

Higgy, come visit us (with Lisa and especially Owen!) in the lovely Chicago suburbs.

But visit only mid-June through mid-September. Otherwise the weather sucks.

Higgy said...

Kaf - I was 9 years old. You may have not even been a twinkle in Dad's eye then! Scat - oops, I guess I can go back and fill in Illinois, can't I - I was in Chicago (and met DDi!) last year.