Monday, October 02, 2006

I spent the weekend in DC, playing D&D with my best friend Eric... Posted by Picasa


Sarah said...

My son is very impressed with the professional looking D&D table.

I'm impressed with the foil insulation no doubt designed to keep spy satellites from reading minds.

Higgy said...

Scat - after 23 years of playing, we got pretty good at understanding our setup/playing needs. Also note the several empty beer bottles in the background!

Gene swears he'll finish the basement by the next time we play in DC. I have my doubts, but still...

You don't see the tinfoil hats that we wear to keep out the alien signals...

Sarah said...

Higgy, my son noticed the empty beers right away, too. He's 11 and getting interested in big guy stuff like beer and other things I won't mention.