Monday, December 12, 2005

Lessons, Day Two.

Things I've learned in the last 24 hours:
1. I do much better with 2 4-hour sleeps than I do with 4 2-hour sleeps.
2. Our neighbors Don and Liz make a kick-butt paella.
3. Don and Liz are generous and giving souls (they brought us paella, bread and cookies for dinner last night!) They rock.
4. Company is both exhausting and gratifying.
5. I can hold my son and type at the same time.
6. The cat is still freaked out.
7. Grunting, straining and turning red is my son's way of making a bowel movement. He really does take after his dad.
8. "Mustardy-looking stools" are a reality.
9. The damn diaper genie still doesn't work. We thought it did there for a second, but it was just playing with us.


rita said...

Come on, Higgy! Avery learned to use hers by the time she was 1.


Anonymous said...

Grunting, straining and turning red is my son's way of making a bowel movement. He really does take after his dad.

Don't we all, Higgy, don't we all.

Proves he's a real man.