Friday, December 09, 2005

Progress update

So we went to both the 5:30am and the 8:30am feedings today - and great news: Owen's bilirubin levels have decreased significantly, so he's off the lights, he's feeding like a champ and he passed the car-seat stress test with no problems. The NICU doctor feels strongly that he'll be fit to go home tomorrow! Only a week since he was born! WOOHOO! Now I have to run around like a crazy man to get everything finished in the nursery!


DonnaJo said...

Hey! We've gone TWO days without new photos!!

BTW, has Lisa's Mom made it back from Thailand -- was that where she was? She must have been going NUTZZ!

DonnaJo said...

Oh, nevermind, I remember now. I just love following all of this! You guys are going to be wonderful parents.

Anonymous said...

Bravo, Owen.

But what is the "car seat stress test" Higgy?

Is it anything like Goldilocks checking the different beds?

Higgy said...

Jeff - the car seat test is where they monitor his pulse, respiration and oxygen levels for an hour while he's sat in the car seat. If any of those drop, then he fails...