Friday, December 23, 2005

Update du jour

Well, today was a big day:
1. Owen had his second doctor's appointment - he weighed in at a healthy 6lbs 15oz! He's gained 9oz over the past two weeks! The doctor is thrilled, as are we.
2. He's also decided to eat really badly during the last two nights. Been awfully frustrating for Lisa - she'll let him feed for close to an hour, and then 1/2 hour later, he's hungry again! The doctor said this could be a growth spurt, or he could just be evil. My vote (cast at 4am) is for evil.
3. Mum arrived safely, and spent yesterday gawking at the wonder of TiVo. A lot of today was spent cooking dinner for us. We now have shepherd's pie in the fridge and the freezer! Frozen meals are a lifesaver.
4. My son peed on the nurse today during his appointment. I had to laugh. About time someone else got that treatment!
5. I finished the last 5% of my Xmas shopping today. Why is it the last little bits take so freaking long?
6. We get a free lactation consultant through work. We're going to get our money's worth out of that! She's already had an earful from us, but she's helping.
7. If it wasn't for gift cards, I'd be buggered at Xmas. That's right, buggered. Look it up.
8. Xmas eve tomorrow - and we have brunch plans. After that, we're free until Xmas lunch. Woohoo - can watch football!
9. We went driving looking at house lights tonight. One house in particular stood out. I didn't get a picture, but I winced just thinking about their electric bill. Tis the season to be a Vegas-lookalike.
10. In case I don't update the blog again until afterwards - we all hope you have a very Merry Christmas and a happy New Year. Thanks for stopping by and we'll see you in 2006!


DonnaJo said...

Merry Merry and Happy Happy. I was hoping to see a pic of Owen in a Santa Hat.

Anonymous said...

My son peed on the nurse today during his appointment. I had to laugh. About time someone else got that treatment.

Higgy, LOL. It's part of family lore that as a baby I peed in the pediatrician's eye! Not bad aim for an infant.

Sarah said...

Higgy, it's good to read your sweet and funny posts again. I've missed them!

Before the doctor had time to cut my son Ethan's umbilical cord, my OBGYN held him up for me to see. Unfortunately, my vision was blurred because Ethan was already peeing directly into my right eye! My hubby and the doctor looked horrified but I cracked up, much to their relief.

And the nighttime nursing schedule reminds me of my daughter, my firstborn. It may take a while but everything just gets better and better. OK, she just turned 14 and she's still nocturnal but she eats like a bird and sleeps very soundly, especially on school mornings.

And your life won't always center around bodily fluids.

Merry Christmas to you and your wonderful family. All our best to Lisa and Owen!

Anonymous said...

How cool is an All Football Saturday? VERY!!!

Go Chargers!!!!