Monday, December 19, 2005

Still learning things....

Some other things that we've learned over the last couple of days:
1. No matter how well-fitting the diaper, eventually he'll blow the ass right out of one of them.
2. Going back to work after paternity leave sucks. At least it's the holidays and half the people are on vacation.
3. Invariably, he will be sitting on your lap when he blows the ass out of that diaper.
4. People cut you all sorts of slack after having a baby. I wonder how long I get to milk this. It's kind of like the new-guy syndrome at work - the new guy can't be counted on for anything for at least 3 months....
5. By the time you smell the diaper, it's five minutes too late.
6. By the time you FEEL the wetness of the diaper, it's 10 minutes too late.
7. I'm SO thankful I work from home. Unthinkably thankful.
8. I crack myself up sometimes. Especially when I'm evil. I'll explain later.
9. Watching the Bills suck while holding my son in my lap results in a lot less swearing/gesturing/screaming at the TV on my part. My wife will now make me hold him for the remainder of the season.
10. Owen is a lot more awake these days. Apparently in week 3 he starts to get more active. That's why most of my shots (JEFF!) are of him napping instead. I'll have some better shots eventually.


Anonymous said...

There is no season left for the bills. They might as well phone in the rest of their games. Much like they've been doing all season actually.

P.S. ~ this post doesn't exist. Because I don't do sports. It will self destruct in 5 nanolightwaves.

Anonymous said...

Higgy, I hope you didn't read that wrong. I LOVE the napping shots! There is nothing cuter than a sleeping baby.

Belldemon said...

From one of your previous posts, 265 pics sounds just about right. It was getting so ridiculous at my house that I had to start monthly folders for CMB pics. At last count I have almost 4 Gigs of CMB pics on my computer at home.

I will also second that it is hard not to giggle while cleaning up poo at 1:30 am. Even harder not to laugh is when your holding your 4 week old up by the back and bottom after he pees on the changing table while you holler for your wife to grab a towel. It is even harder not to giggle when, while holding your 4 week old with a hand on his back and one under his bottom, he decides to choose this moment for explosive diarrhea.

Ah, the warm stinky feeling of liquid poop in one's hand is hard to beat.

Anonymous said...

I love reading about other peoples babies pooping! It reminds me of how glad I am that my (now) grown-up children take care of their own poop! :-)

Mike Weasel said...

Can't they just invent a suction device that you attach to the baby's butt on one end, and the toilet on the other end with a big long flexible hose, so you can let the baby roam around free? It could have different-sized attachments depending on the size of your baby's butt. (For example, you wouldn't want to use the toddler size on a newborn for fear of sucking up the entire baby.) This sort of thing really ought to go in the Gift Guide.