Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Lessons from a dreary Wednesday morning.

1. Ninjas, leopards and chameleons can take hiding lessons from baby socks in a washing machine.
2. Whoever said "Sleep when the baby sleeps" is a wise, wise person. It's freaking necessary.
3. My "tidy" gene must be defective. My desk is so messy that the bottom layer is starting to meld into the wood itself.
4. It is possible to sleep through baby screams, but not possible to sleep through the kick in the shins from your spouse that follows some of those screams.
5. I have a tough time going back to sleep at 3am. I should stop watching TiVo when I'm doing that feeding. Laughing at the Simpsons or The Drew Carey Show is not conducive to going back to bed.
6. The week between Xmas and New Years is a great time to work. You get SO much done! Almost none of it is useful, productive work, but you get a lot of it done!
7. The "new baby" smell is a combination of baby-wipe vapors, the diaper genie overflow miasma and unshowered-parent sweat.
8. They should include new parents into the sleep-deprivation studies that they pay college students for. I know I'm much more of a zombie now than I was 4 weeks ago.
9. It's official - Owen now has more clothes than I do. This kid will not re-wear an outfit between now and June (well, he will, but only because some of them are SOOOOOO cute!)
10. There should be a study on the effects on parenthood on IQ and attention span. I'll bet there's a corresponding.... oooh, something shiny....


Anonymous said...

Excellent points, Higgy, especially 8 and 9.

You are definitely learning.

Anonymous said...

he needs more clothes than you do unless you're also in the habit of throwing up on yourself several times a day... (I wouldn't know , I only got a 20 on your quiz!)